5 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem 

Positive Effects of High Self-Esteem on Mental Health

Confidence is built early on in child development. The environment and parenting play a prominent role in a child’s self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem allows children to navigate life with less confusion, giving them the tenacity to make hard decisions and withstand challenges they might face as they grow into adulthood. Aware has discovered five ways to boost your child’s self-esteem to allow for positive effects on their mental health.

1. Be a Good Role Model

Setting a good example for your children will lead them to be responsible and mindful adults. When children see their parents take care of themselves and others, put effort into a healthy lifestyle, and have pride in completing tasks, they are likely to do the same. In addition, children who follow through on their commitments and keep promises to themselves naturally have higher self-esteem, decreasing the chances of mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression.

2. Teach New Skills

Teaching children new skills and tasks increases their independence and boosts their confidence in their abilities. However, allowing them to learn new skills shows that there is always room for improvement and growth. For example, children with a general understanding of day-to-day responsibilities and the knowledge and skills to accomplish them can also learn how to manage their time appropriately. Time management is a valuable skill that can help them prioritize their tasks and alleviate stress or anxiety.

3. Praise Strengths and Good Choices

Praising their efforts rather than the outcome of an activity is a great way to teach your child that hard work and perseverance can lead to success. For example, instead of complimenting an A grade, talk about how you appreciate their dedication and commitment to studying for it. Doing so teaches them that successes come from within, not from external sources. In addition, children that know their strengths and weaknesses have a higher level of confidence than others who lack self-awareness may not have. 

4. Encourage Making Their Own Decisions 

Encouraging decision-making and allowing children to go through the problem-solving process is another way to teach them self-esteem. Making their own decisions can guide their judgment and the idea that they can make vital decisions independently. Letting your child take ownership over tasks allows them to take pride in their accomplishments and feel independent. In addition, the ability to self-validate their decision-making prevents them from self-doubt and stress.

5. Show Them the Power of Giving 

Show them how helping others can benefit them emotionally as well as others emotionally. Let them understand that they have a great capacity to make an impact on those around them, which can help give them a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Increasing children’s self-worth sets them up for a healthy mind and future ahead.

Aware’s Mission

We are always looking for ways to raise awareness for child and adolescent mental health at Aware. For more information, visit aware.com/giving-back and help us reach our goal of spreading more information on mental health.

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