Become Aware: Your Environmental Footprint & What it Means for the Earth

Become Aware: Your Environmental Footprint & What it Means for the Earth

Nowadays, many people, businesses, and organizations are talking about “Reducing their Environmental Footprint.” However, as people become more aware of the impact of their actions on the earth and environment, it’s becoming increasingly concerning how much we consume resources. 

Your “Environmental Footprint” is your use of natural resources and the production of greenhouse gasses and other forms of pollution and energy. A lot of waste is being produced daily, and we need to do something about it to help keep our earth healthy and clean for generations to come.

If you’ve never taken the Footprint Calculator quiz, we encourage you to do so. The calculator will help generalize and estimate how much energy and other resources you use. It will also come up with the number of earth(s) we would need to sustain if everyone lived like you. The quiz intends to bring awareness and help you begin your journey towards less consumption.

The Cold, Hard, Non-Environmentally Friendly Facts

In the United States, researchers believe it would take five earths to support human life if everyone lived similarly to the average American. The results of that study hit hard, which is why many people, businesses, and organizations are trying to change some of their patterns and consumption habits to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Keep reading to learn more about the alarming statistics of water and material use and greenhouse gas production.

Water Environmental Footprint

Water waste contributes to the potential for water scarcity in the future. Wasting water is not suitable for the environment because water goes through various processes that consume energy to filter the water to be safe enough to drink, bathe, cook, etc. The average American household uses approximately 300 gallons of water daily. Wasting water can be extremely expensive in terms of the economy, environment, and energy.

Material Waste

A study suggested that about 20% of the world’s natural resources go to waste annually. The quick pace of natural resource consumption is not good for our earth or us. The use of these natural resources has also been associated with climate change, as well as air and water quality issues. In 2017, about 35.2% of waste was repossessed by Americans by recycling or composting. If we can keep this momentum, we stand a chance of preserving our earth’s natural resources.

Greenhouse Gas Production

Greenhouse gases are chemicals that are released into the atmosphere from the production of carbon dioxide and methane. These chemical compounds are not good for the environment and can potentially produce radiation into the atmosphere. Researchers found that human-made greenhouse gas pollution released into the environment has been connected to global warming. In 2018 alone, emissions produced per person were around 20.4 metric tons. By reducing your household energy use, you are helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Common Household Energy Suckers

It’s crucial to know familiar household energy sources. Knowledge is the power to understand the impact and effect of consumption habits on the earth.

  • Natural gas (propane, gas stoves, etc.)
  • Heating and cooling space sources
  • Water heaters
  • Refrigerators and other appliances 
  • Electrical lighting

What Can You Do to Reduce Environmental Consumption of Resources?

So, now that we know how much energy and water are used, this raises the question of what we can do as individuals to help better preserve our earth? The answer is – you can do a lot. Each action and change adds up, and if we can all adapt strategies to consume less, we will make our earth a better place for all of us and future generations. Here are a few ways to reduce environmental consumption in your home:

  • Buy Sustainable: research the clothing you buy – how is it made? Is the company trying to lower its carbon footprint? Is the clothing organic or sustainable?
  • Switch Up Your Laundry Routine: only wash full loads; try to use hang-drying methods as much as possible.
  • Replace Your Lightbulbs: use LED lights instead of halogen lights.
  • Take a Look at Your Heating/Cooling Sources: replacing heating and cooling sources with more energy-efficient ones is better for the environment. Improving insulation to keep heat and air in your home will also help.
  • Take Shorter Showers: use less water by taking quicker showers.
  • Turn The Water Off: when you brush your teeth or are doing dishes, turn the water off when you’re not actively using it.
  • Check Pipes for Leaks: many households also have pipes that leak, accounting for about 40 gallons of water waste per day.
  • Swap Cleaning Products: swap your chemical cleaning products for natural ones that don’t pollute the air in the environment.
  • Put Your Computer to Sleep: use less technology, as tech is a massive source of energy consumption.
  • Create Less Trash: landfills produce toxins and greenhouse gases that are terrible for the environment. Try composting or get a reusable bottle/cup to help reduce trash production in your home.

How Aware is Trying to Improve Environmental Consumption

We are a woman-owned company that wants to make a difference by protecting our children, our communities, and eventually the world. Our sustainable clothing brand originated with the vital mission of making a positive impact on our earth and giving back.

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